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LnTLm0hMVk0 | 09 Sep 2024
hiya, i used another strange looking device for a longer period of time than any sane person should. yet again, it’s surprisingly good!! expand for a more detailed review of the product itself. please leave a comment, i am still a fiend for reading/replying haha @pinguefy2 i wanted to focus on the analog aspect of the device since i think it’s the most interesting and widely applicable aspect of this device, but i left out a lot of details about the actual product as a result. this video is not sponsored btw, i bought this myself. good: - it is highly adjustable and has a billion screws on the underside for making it fit your anatomy. - all of the buttons are accessible and you have a ton of binds to work with. - the software is intuitive and allows you to store two profiles on the keypad for quick switching. - the build quality is solid considering it's all plastic - the learning curve is not that steep for how strange the device looks. - there’s some modding potential with their modular-ish design. kovaak 3d printed notches for wavedashing angles LOL. also good for replacement parts. - the azeron uses microswitches, like ones you’d find in a mouse. they are VERY easy to press, but have a bit of pre/post travel. - for things like doom eternal’s dash or tracer’s blink, it’s freeing to be able to dash at exact angles without requiring mouse movement. - it took like 7 tries to get a take where i failed the granary ctap jump with the azeron for the outro, it’s not bad at all. the amount of velocity you lose out on is probably only applicable in movement mod speedrunning. bad: - there are a good amount of games that do not support simultaneous input. apex is the most disappointing one :( though bo6 is another game where it should be a straight upgrade, and thankfully it works there! - this device is very tall. i have a stack of towels i use to elevate my arm that makes it usable, but if i don’t use it, it creates some serious wrist discomfort. - some buttons are easier to reach than others. this is definitely made worse by my small hands, but there are some buttons i have never pressed because i’d have to use very odd parts of my fingers or make large movements to reach them. for stuff like discrete healing binds in apex it’s fine, but for things you want to be pressing in combat, it’s rough. - my stick performance deteriorated over time quite a lot, it’s noticeably worse than other controllers now. natural for how long it’s been and i think you can replace it fairly easily. - i cannot imagine this thing being usable in tacfps or anything with movement inaccuracy where you have to counterstrafe. - certain techs in games get more timing sensitive. gdashing in gundam became inconsistent with the azeron, as any stick input while you're meant to have no movement keys pressed would kill the momentum. a lot of people also have the complaint that an analog stick will never be as fast at changing directions as WASD. it’s true in a literal sense, but in practice, i have never once felt like my dodge was limited by my thumb’s speed and the only game where strafing that fast makes sense is OW. even there it’s rarely optimal and you can always bind A/D to discrete buttons if it bothers you that much. so who is this for? i think if analog movement works in your game of choice it's honestly a very cool feeling device. for stuff like battlefield i could take it or leave it; nice to have but by no means necessary. but for games like tf2, i actually feel nerfed going back to a keyboard. i also already have good movement compensation with a keyboard and i suspect that the azeron would make movement compensation a lot more intuitive to learn and get good at for less experienced players. it's a steep asking price, and the main selling point for me is definitely the analog feature. this is not the only way to get analog movement with mnk, but if the customizability/binds/aesthetic appeal to you then it could be worth a consideration ^^ thank you: to @ViscoseOCE, @MissColourz and @copwaster for all the support to bri for the footage in this video, hope you’re doing well to the cool and normal gamers, ty for the kindness to you for watching/reading! 0:00 intro 1:00 why does this thing exist? 1:48 what is analog movement? 3:06 what's special about analog movement? 3:39 analog movement and the source engine 4:42 THE IMPOSSIBLE STRAFE 6:02 is it good in every game? 8:03 is it worth it? music: Spaaaaace - Portal 2 OST Volume 3 Bass String Short - Half Life OST Green Haven - William Claeson Message Between Worlds - William Benckert Song for Mystia - Twitter Tohobu Upgrade Station - Team Fortress 2 OST Winter Hibernation - Magnus Ludvigsson MEDIC! - Team Fortress 2 OST Resurrections - Celeste OST Hold on You - Thorn to Liver (tysm @trevorhilton1143, please listen to the rest of his work!!) Exhale - Celeste OST

iHtmqtsRi3I | 16 Jul 2022
I love TF2, but maybe not for the same reasons that you do. #savetf2 If you’re interested in this side of TF2, check out some resources in the description! Thanks to b4nny, witness, jay, paddie, cin, charis, indecency, brimstone, shounic, reero, bear, loafe, grape juice, muffin, umlpst, kami, bliztank, puntero, aratinga, mysterize, sandblast, wild_rumpus, rendoas, and american for submitting content for the outro. intro song is vervid! - untitledmellowbreakcore song during the FROYO vs RONIN section is All For Now by LudoWic Q. How can I play TF2? it’s free on steam: Q. How do I get my game to run better/look better? Default TF2 settings are HORRIBLE. Seriously unplayable. Use this to create a graphics/net config (dw about the addons) You can find a custom hud here to make your game prettier/cleaner. Q. What is the 1v1 gamemode at 5:43? MGE. You can find some public servers on, but you’re probably best off finding a friend to 1v1 with. Other similar gamemodes include: Pass Time: bball: Ultiduo: Q. How can I try competitive TF2? There have been a lot of pick-up-game sites/systems that have come and gone, but the big ones coming soon™️ will be RGL pugs and FACEIT pugs. I’ll update this when they finally come out. For now, you can try: LEAGUES: the main NA competitive league European League Australian League AsiaFortress PUGS: NA Newbie Mixes, designed to introduce new players to 6s fundamentals every Friday. 500 hours in-game required, low quality pugs EU pugs. Pugs meant for new players take place every Friday at 18 CET! OTHER SERVERS: PUBS: steam://connect/ Experimental pub server that I'm hosting (paste the link into your browser or paste "connect" into your in-game console) Competitive classes only, competitive mappool, and an item whitelist. Just a pub server without all of the silliness that makes casual TF2 what it is. Hoping this will give people a taste of what competitive TF2 is like in a low stress environment. No crit, no spread pubs - NA Casual is playable now and there are endless pub servers you can find in the server browser for normal pubs. ROCKET JUMPING: Try jump_academy if you’ve never jumped before! Q. Is 6v6 the only competitive format? No, there are a few other formats that people play, but are less popular: Highlander (9v9, one of each class): 4v4: Prolander (7v7): Q. Doesn’t TF2 have P2W weapons? Most of the time stock weapons are the best choice, but for the few cases in which there are other options (soldier melee, medic crossbow, etc.) you can exchange your items for other items at Q. How can I learn more about competitive TF2? basic comp tf2 fundamentals there aren’t a whole lot of general comp tf2 videos out there, you might have some luck looking for demo reviews or map reviews, or just watch some matches if you’re totally new! CHAPTERS 0:00 This is TF2. 3:03 So, let's talk about TF2's skill ceiling... 5:16 Which of these players has 15,000 hours in movement? 6:37 If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a rocket. 7:37 How good can you get at rocket jumping? 9:27 EXPRESSION 10:30 How hard is the aim in TF2? 12:35 it is called TEAM fortress, after all. 15:05 Who is the best player of all time? 19:12 What happens when the GOAT becomes the underdog? 24:10 Why do we still play this game 15 years after its release? 26:17 If TF2 is both accessible and skillful, why is the comp scene so small? 28:03 Would you regret having 10,000 hours in TF2?

XScUYxLFt-U | 25 Feb 2022
hi it's kovaak's/apex/workman/mouse accel/penspinning/origami/anime pfp guy hope you've been well c: if you're tryna catch some heat in bombparty... 0:00 the dactyl manuform. why does it exist? 4:10 first time using the keyboard. 6:55 just a normal typing stream, until... 10:56 the villain appears. 14:12 do i like the keyboard? 17:40 should you buy an ergonomic keyboard?

eBXUpo2pN-E | 23 Dec 2020
EXPAND FOR TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Introduction 1:11 MARVELOUSKHEZU - How he still had free time in med school 1:35 Choosing an educational/career path 11:02 Developing time management skills 26:34 How he got into his rhythm 31:16 How to study 44:46 Developing test-taking skills 48:04 Work/life balance 52:43 “Laziness isn’t necessarily a bad thing” 1:12:28 CUZCO - A sick up and coming “math rock” band 1:13:15 What is math rock? 1:17:23 Why did you choose to have a saxophonist in a rock band? 1:20:54 How did the band meet? 1:23:08 What bands were inspirations to you? 1:26:42 Self-taught or did you have a teacher? 1:30:53 What is the writing process like? 1:33:11 Dealing with creative differences 1:37:43 Live performance experiences 1:40:11 Advice for aspiring musicians 1:44:48 Essential math rock albums to check out 1:48:15 Where can you check out Cuzco’s music? 1:50:00 MUFFIN - Working with experimental depression treatment 1:50:52 Alternative depression treatment 1:51:24 Treatments: ECT/TMS 1:54:26 How does clinical depression affect the brain? 2:00:20 Treatment: Esketamine (nasal spray) 2:06:54 Is clinical depression treatable through therapy? 2:10:05 What does TMS feel like? 2:16:39 GOONESKY - A Quake boomer who’s good at a ton of competitive games 2:17:17 Applying experience from multiple game genres Goonesky’s competitive/LAN experience, and his stories of war: 2:25:45 Xonotic, Nexuiz, and the Machinima tournament 2:30:28 Realizing he has social anxiety 2:42:27 Shootmania - The next huge esport 2:53:09 Goonesky’s LAN team: (EnVy) Talespin and (C9) Grego? 2:55:48 You cut Grego?! 3:04:43 The $100k tournament 3:16:18 Goonesky’s last Shootmania LAN 3:31:12 XILVER15 - One of osu!’s most legendary HR players. 3:31:41 Can you overthink improvement? 3:33:17 How can you find your ideal settings? - pingu’s note: this was such insane advice for me. really struck me. 3:34:58 Is there a benefit to experimenting with settings? 3:39:14 Is improvement more about figuring things out or just raw practice? 3:44:17 Do younger players have an advantage in games? 3:47:05 Do you think young top players (Vaxei/WhiteCat) think about improvement theory? - pingu’s note #2: i love his perspective on this 3:52:42 Being surpassed. 3:58:32 EQUAL_TF - masters in physics (soon), insane tf2 player, philosophy, and more 4:00:28 His approach to memorization 4:03:11 “I’ve never read a book” 4:05:15 Equal quizzes me on my geography 4:11:40 “They pay you to go to school in Sweden?” 4:16:19 An introduction to metaphysics 4:19:38 Finding your interests 4:20:45 “I think most people are interested in almost everything, they just don’t know it.” 4:27:14 Using guilt as motivation 4:31:00 A deathmatch grinder’s opinion on KovaaK’s FPS Aim Trainer 4:33:44 Developing an aiming style 4:37:58 REIDENTIFYING - A man who was supposed to be married twice by age 20. 4:38:20 Wait what? You have an arranged marriage? 4:45:18 The second arranged marriage 4:51:40 420FLAYZ - A high school friend who went pro in Rocket League. 4:53:58 Why did you decide to try and get good? 4:56:22 Making connections 5:02:04 A conversation about trying to go pro as an older player 5:06:01 Leaving the pro Rocket League scene 5:10:07 Transition from college to the workforce 5:20:01 DREAMYSKIES - massive cinema nerd and dirty Arknights player 5:20:22 How good is Star Wars actually? 5:23:22 Ranking the Star Wars movies 5:29:33 NICKSTANBUL - finance nerd trying to find his niche on YouTube 5:30:27 Why do you want to try making YouTube content? 5:31:08 Nickstanbul’s idea/niche 5:33:02 Lesson #1: Has it been done well already? 5:36:00 Lesson#2: Making a clincher/understanding clickbait 5:42:23 Evaluating Nick’s clincher (have you heard of these people?) 5:47:53 MAQNUZ - How I stop quitting games/skills that I like? 5:49:19 Identify the reasons why it’s happening - pingu’s note: figure out the “why.” Whether it’s a plateau or a lack of interest, you have to understand the underlying reason to push past it. 5:51:55 Dealing with toxicity on the internet 5:53:43 How do you deal with frustration from rank plateaus? 5:55:42 More on self-awareness, metacognition, and toxic arguments 5:57:35 SIRMUAPTHEGUAP - High school friend who fell in love with photography as a creative outlet. 6:03:44 Buying his first camera and falling into the rabbit hole 6:07:10 “Outgrowing” his camera, and when to upgrade 6:11:01 What makes photography so beautiful to him 6:15:57 Do you have to take classes to get into this hobby? 6:18:54 What do different types of lenses do for you? 6:20:05 PHOSPHORESCENT - Warwick esports coordinator and competitive FPS LORD 6:20:33 Do you get life skills from playing games? 6:24:13 “I feel like I’ve only been a real person for two years” 6:25:44 How to get onto a good team in a competitive game 6:27:22 ANNIEBLABLA - Dealing with the end of a toxic relationship and getting help afterwards 6:29:07 Do you recommend therapy to others? 6:32:46 wholesome moment

QtNHl-1By6M | 23 Dec 2020
I failed a geography exam in the fourth grade and it scarred me and my rote memorization skill for a decade. A challenge from a community member made me finally confront my weakness. Yes, this is a reupload. I got a copyright strike from for the Hollow Knight soundtrack and it makes the video so bad that I would rather just reupload to have something I'm proud of on the channel haha. Here is the original video if you want read the old comments. thanks to my patrons: Nebula JuicedUp99, YoshLettuce, Andres Z, Limelife NeoCopy, miskeeping, kimchi, Sooint, Pambelsnok, Phosphorescent, reidentifying, Gurkamal R, equal, oxy, Kalicerite Gdsqq, StrongBlackVoice, malxx125, Akimotoriku, Zhasa6H, Nici, DreamySkies, i8, Neotic31, CircleOnCircles, Polecat, Grant Wilmar 0:00 hi, i'm pinguefy. 0:35 limitations of addiction 1:23 a challenge is proposed... 1:54 trauma. 3:17 a gap in knowledge 5:30 make it a game 6:34 my weakness. 7:46 an exercise in mnemonics 10:45 the Memory Palace? 12:36 what I learned about myself 13:27 why should you care? 14:20 WORLD RECORD RUN 17:35 conclusion and encouragement 18:48 shameless plugs

Hw6sHlWt6d4 | 29 Oct 2020
SKIP TO 5:30 IF YOU JUST WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THE TECHNIQUES I TRIED AND WHAT I LEARNED. I failed a geography exam in the fourth grade and it scarred me and my rote memorization skill for a decade. A challenge from a community member made me finally confront my weakness. If you wanna learn more about Anki and Spaced Repetition, check out this interview I did with a friend who's in med school: I stream Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 3 PM EST: Join the community on Discord: Patreon: Twitter: thanks to my patrons: Nebula Bola Adedire, Shporks, Yosh enot110, Limelife, Ben Kosan, renderlike Phosphorescent, equal, gurk, Reidentifying, Kalicerite, Isotonic datOW_q27, Itai Aosi, Grant, Polecat, Ralph367, CircleOnCircles, Neotic31, i8, and DreamySkies. 0:00 hi, i'm pinguefy. 0:35 limitations of addiction 1:23 a challenge is proposed... 1:54 trauma. 3:17 a gap in knowledge 5:30 make it a game 6:34 my weakness. 7:46 an exercise in mnemonics 10:45 the Memory Palace? 12:36 what I learned about myself 13:27 why should you care? 14:20 WORLD RECORD RUN 17:35 conclusion and encouragement 18:48 shameless plugs music: Turnabout Jazz Soul - Objection William Benckert - Creation Jonah Aardekker - Sometimes I Long for You Rule of Rose OST - The Attic William Benckert - Running in the Dark Mike Franklyn - Bumblebee Jonah Aardekker - Major and Minor Things Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen - Before Nightfall William Benckert - Evening Snow Wendy Marcini - My Foolish Waltz The Waiting World - Slide on Over William Benckert - Bright Flow Bladverk Band - Caerulea Hollow Knight OST (Christopher Larkin) - False Knight Hollow Knight OST (Christopher Larkin) - Reflection Vendla - Ignorance is Bliss

a2Nb9QVujgU | 30 Jul 2020
I used an alternate keyboard layout for 3 months and got pretty good. Was it worth learning? Check out my Patreon if you wanna support my content! I'm gonna try to focus on creating more YouTube content now. I'll still be streaming 3 times a week at Thanks to the people in my Discord that supported me and raced me in typeracer! also, I will say that if you are interested in learning Workman, you should probably learn Colemak mod DH instead, because it accomplishes a very similar goal with fewer drawbacks. big thanks to Sephy for being a great motivator to improve: Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:44 QWERTY's origins 1:32 The first alternative to QWERTY 2:33 What layout do I choose? 3:39 How do you get better at typing? 4:55 How I learned a new layout 6:39 Switching between layouts 8:16 A rival appears... 9:33 How I break through my plateaus 10:36 REDEMPTION ARC 12:09 Conclusion: Should you learn an alternate layout? 14:20 The Backwards Brain Bicycle 15:12 Can I still type with QWERTY? 18:34 Can you maintain multiple keyboard layouts? 20:08 shameless self-promotion SmarterEveryDay's Backwards Brain Bicycle: Typists in this video: Kathy/Florentine Viper (colemak) john (dvorak - chakk Sean Wrona Jashe Poon Music: Shiro Sagisu - A-09, Mellow Slow-Jam Baguettes Ensemble - Staff Notation to Last Forever Hara Noda - Pyramid Jonah Aardekker - Waltz for Maybe Gitaroo Man OST - The Legendary Theme Magnus Ringblom Quartet - If I'm Not Mistaken Hara Noda - Lights Ahead Bladverk Band - Constellations Deadly Premonition OST - Greenvale Machikado-Mapoze - 弦楽四重奏曲「にとり」 ニ短調 第3楽章 「哀しみの逆さま河童」 Shiro Sagisu - The Image of Black Me Jonah Aardekker - Theme for Juno Ennio Mano - Yours Tokyo Active NEETs - 極楽は儚き人間の為に Jonah Aardekker - And Suddenly There Was Love Jonah Aardekker - North of the Heart Ennio Mano - Les Pipos Moonlight Tracks OST - Thank You Fragile Dreams More Than Just a Kiss - Nocturnal Spirits Eurystomus - もしも貴女が望むなら

SBXv0xi-wyQ | 27 May 2020
I spent two months using mouse accel for FPSes. Is it actually good? There is a new kind of mouse accel available now called Raw Accel. It plays nice with anticheats and it's got a more intuitive UI: I stream Tuesday-Sunday at 3 PM EST at I'll be doing some YouTube streams soon too so please stop by, say hello, and ask me some questions! Mouse accel resources: Download links and installation instructions. Quick-start guide to setting it up and making sure it's working. Everything you could ever want to know about mouse accel and Povohat's driver. KovaaK's very in-depth video on how it all works. My Discord server. In case you've still got questions. The music featured in the frag movie is Cuzco - Metropolis. Here's the album it comes from: The Minecraft-style FPS is called Sector's Edge. It's in closed Beta, but I enjoyed the shooting mechanics and combat a lot! If you want to play, join the Discord and join the waiting list for a key! 0:00 Intro 0:53 Why I tried accel 1:23 What does mouse accel do? 2:06 Low sens vs High sens 2:55 Why do people hate mouse accel so much? 3:14 Introducing good mouse accel 3:49 What makes this type of accel better? 4:48 My mouse accel learning experience 6:02 Did it ruin my muscle memory? 7:50 How is my aim without accel now? 9:06 KovaaK's: Accel vs no accel 9:35 Should you use accel? 11:10 Reasons to not use accel 11:41 OUTDATED, IT WORKS FINE 11:53 Conclusion

vnCuedPRvk8 | 24 Apr 2020
short answer: yes, and you can too. I really love doing this kind of community event and hope you'll stop by for more events like this in the future :D thanks to LeticHappen, MechanicalMushishi, and c0dexe for making this happen.

iVT13ODeusw | 15 Mar 2020
EXPAND DESCRIPTION FOR TIMESTAMPS. The giveaway is over now, thanks to everyone who participated. Thank you for all the support so far, you guys are too kind 😭 TWITCH: TWITTER: DISCORD: Intro 0:00 How much time did you spend in Kovaak's? 0:41 How can I find the right sensitivity? 1:41 Doesn't sensitivity vary per game making aim training useless? 2:21 Can you use Kovaak's on console/controller? 3:14 - For a more direct answer go to 6:55. I end up talking about mentality, aim theory, and other practice methods. Why not just practice in-game instead? 7:09 Was your Kovaak's video sponsored? 8:04 What about recoil/bullet drop/travel time/etc.? 8:35 How did you get so good at so many skills? 9:30 How do you keep the motivation to continue improving? 10:47 Play R6s, Melee, DotA, SC2, MTG, CS, RL, etc.! 12:24 Kovaak's FPS Aim Trainer giveaway! 13:13 Sensitivity converter: Aimer7's guide: Kovaak's with Controller: Thanks for watching!

iZ2KmRM8E2Y | 31 Jan 2020
Apex, I love you but you’re bringing me down. This is the story of a game that broke the mold of modern shooters, and how it ended up just like the rest of them. If you enjoyed the video, some support at would mean the world to me. insta ► twitter ► In order of appearance: dummy (Fortnite) ► Northernlion (PUBG) ► clockwork (TF2/Quake) ► TF2RJWeekly / Kaptain (TF2 Rocket Jumping) ► dizzy ► sYnceDez ► aceu ► ► Yeatle (Winston) ► Sideshow (Spy) ► Mendo ► ► shroud ► m4risa (TF2 Sniper) ► noodles (CS Bhop) ► Iridium (Bhop Heal Thumbnail) ► Albralelie ► Panjno (FPS Fix Thumbnail) ► Nokokopuffs ► retzi ► ImperialHal ► Reps ► Matafe_ ► Nicewigg ► gdolphn ► Skadoodle ► Zeus ► Overpowered ► Snip3down ► There are a few timing issues that came up when I exported the video (especially in the Gibby section). Don’t use freeware when making a project this big :( Unfortunately, I don’t have much time left to keep up with this hobby. If this video does well I might be able to continue, but as it stands, we’ll see what the future has in store for me. Thank you for watching!

grhdoR7rNpE | 18 Jan 2020
The model is Five Intersecting Tetrahedra by Thomas Hull. I realize I made some fatal errors around 2:10:00 and start struggling. Go to 3:14:44 if you want to skip the frustration. if you liked the video, come watch at twitter: insta:

gDG5OEtux54 | 02 Jan 2020
I played Kovaak's on stream for 14 days over the span of a month. Here's the progress I made. Skip to 8:40 for the post-Kovaak's Apex clips. Kovaak's Steam page: Sorry there are so few pub/ranked clips, but I'm a little tired of loot RNG :( This was a very fun project to take on, and I really hope I can keep doing this so I can pick up new skills/games every month. If you like what you see and want to support me, stop by my stream and chat or leave a like/comment on this video. Every bit of support helps and it really means a lot to me. Live every day at 2 PM EST: instagram: twitter: discord: